On-Premise vs. Cloud-Based Video Surveillance

When it comes to managing physical security for commercial properties, organisations often face a choice between on-premise security systems and cloud-based solutions. On-Premise Security: An on-premise solution, also known as on-prem security, is housed within the physical building where security systems are installed. This setup involves physical servers or digital video recorders capturing and storing […]
NEAT Turnstiles: The Ultimate Access Control Solution

Electro’s Advanced NEAT Turnstiles Offer Robust Security Measures for Businesses of All Sizes In the dynamic landscape of modern business, security has become more than just a buzzword—it’s a necessity. Ensuring the safety of employees, visitors, and valuable assets is a top priority for businesses across industries. Electro, a leader in access control solutions, has […]
Ways To Enhance Your Security With Electro

In an ever-evolving world where security threats continue to challenge our daily lives, ensuring the safety of individuals within an office building is of paramount importance. From sensitive data to valuable assets, an office space houses numerous assets that need to be safeguarded. To achieve this, a multi-layered security approach, encompassing access control, CCTV systems, […]