ERT Phones
Electro Automation have a number of high quality emergency roadside telephone suppliers that we deal with to create the perfect solution for each project we are involved in.
These top-of-the-range products together with Electro Automation’s expertise in this field, provides an accessible and reliable service for all road users for reporting traffic accidents, emergencies and facilitating authorities to react promptly when they receive emergency calls from road users.
Complete systems include central control stations, ERT/ERTN call pillars, call booths suitable for cellular (GSM), copper or fibre connections as well as a full suite of telecom exchange solutions integration as required.
With new technology, Emergency Roadside Telephones (ERT) can be powered by compact solar cells, across the motorway and trunk road network.
The solar cells are designed to sit in a purpose build enclosure on top of the roadside telephone pillars and generate up to 2kW of power directly into a rechargeable battery. The use of solar power enables the roadside emergency telephones to be fully self-powered and installed in remote areas.

Telephone Pillar Features include
- High visibility design
- High-quality audio performance
- Text-messaging facility for the hard of hearing
- Text-messaging facility for non-English speakers
- Back-lit LCD display for user prompts,
- Easily accessible for wheelchair users