Weigh in motion
With any major road network one of the major challenges faced is to ensure longevity.
By applying the latest developments in the field of sensor technologies and by combining these with communication techniques like GSM, 4G, 5G, GPRS and the internet, Electro is able to offer effective solutions for Weigh in Motion (WIM) sensors.
Electro Support multiple technologies and can offer ened to end solutions and complete packages.
This allows wheel loads to be determined accurately as vehicles drive past at any speed, ensuring overloaded vehicles can be detected, recorded and taken off the road promptly or sent to a weighbridge for enforcement in order to protect the road surface and substructure.
By accurately measuring vehicle weights we can ensure vehicles exceeding the specified weight restrictions can be minimised ensuring the investment in the national road infrastructure lasts as long as expected.

- Enhanced road safety
- Protection of infrastructure